Faster way to screenshot? : Windows10

Disable your Bluetooth deviceAgain right-click on the same device and click on Enable device. You can try doing this on every Bluetooth driver listed. Run services.msc in Run boxIt will open up the list of all the services on your system. To do that, you should open...

5 Methods to Take Screenshot in Windows 10

Microsoft has made it unnecessarily hard to set your own browser defaults, with it now requiring you to manually set each web-related file type with the browser of your choice. It’s no longer able to be done with one click, unless you’re trying to switch...

How to Screenshot on Windows

In the latest edition of his Federal Tax Update podcast, Ed Zollars addresses why you can’t rely on your accountant spouse. If you have good news you’d like to share about yourself, your firm or your employees and would like to be included in a future edition of...